These effects show that, by using matlab programming proposed scheme, matlab programming resistance to attackers can be significantly better in DD OFDM PON and LRCO OFDM PON techniques with out functionality degradations. This paper describes matlab novel structure for permitting robust and effective neuromorphic communication. The architecture combines two concepts: 1 synaptic time multiplexing STM that trades space for speed of processing to create an intragroup verbal exchange method it really is firing rate independent and offers more flexibility in connectivity than cross bar architectures and 2 matlab wired distinctive input varied output MIMO verbal exchange with orthogonal frequency division multiplexing OFDM thoughts to enable matlab robust and efficient intergroup conversation for neuromorphic systems. The MIMO OFDM idea for matlab programming proposed structure was analyzed by simulating large scale spiking neural community architecture. Analysis shows that matlab programming neuromorphic system with MIMO OFDM reveals robust and effective verbal exchange while working in real time with matlab high bit rate. Through combining STM with MIMO OFDM concepts, matlab programming resulting system offers matlab bendy and scalable connectivity in addition to matlab power and area efficient solution for matlab programming implementation of very large scale spiking neural architectures in hardware.